1 st September 2024 saw three additional schools joining our Multi Academy Trust.
Our new academies are Thornley Academy, St. Andrew’s Academy and Esh
Winning Academy. All three are from the Durham area and this means that WISE
Academies now comprises sixteen schools across five different Local Authority

To reflect the growth and geographical spread of WISE Academies, we operate on a
Regional Hub basis. Thornley, St. Andrew’s and Esh Winning Academies will
therefore be at the forefront of the newly established Durham Hub.

WISE Academies has been established as a MAT since 2011. This long experience
of the academy sector means that we can make the transition to academy status as
smooth as possible and offer support every step of the way.

The idea of partnership is important to us and is central to the success of our MAT.
We know that we can learn from each others’ successes. The way we work means
that we can use the talent that exists within our organisation in a creative way to
allow all of our academies to achieve their full potential.

We are delighted to welcome our new Durham colleagues and eagerly look forward
to working with all three academies to share our respective expertise and best
practice between each other and across the wider Trust.