The Maze of Initial Teacher Training – Understanding Acronyms and How It Works

If you are considering a future career in teaching but unsure where to start, you’re not alone. With acronyms like SCITT, PGCE and BA Hons, the process can feel overwhelming – there is a lot to understand before you even begin!

If you’re confused by these acronyms, don’t worry. Below, we’ve broken down some of the most common acronyms to make your first steps into teaching a little clearer.

  • SCITT: School-Centred Initial Teacher Training- school-led teacher training courses that lead to Qualified Teacher Status (QTS). Any ITT programme delivered by any organisation is considered SCITT. 
  • ECT: Early Career Teacher- a teacher in their first two years of teaching, previously known as an NQT (Newly Qualified Teacher).
  • QTS: Qualified Teacher Status- legal requirement to teach in state-maintained schools and non-maintained special schools in England and Wales.
  • ECF: Early Career Framework- A framework for ECTs focussed on five core areas: behaviour management, pedagogy, curriculum, assessment and professional behaviours.
  • ITT: Initial Teacher Training- required to become a qualified teacher in maintained schools across the UK.
  • BA Hons ED: Bachelor of Arts with Honours in Education
  • AP (1,2,3): Assessment Points that take place throughout your training. 

Why Should You Choose School-Centred Initial Teacher Training?

If you already have a degree from a Higher Education Institution, GCSE English Language, mathematics and science at Grade 4 (Grade C) or above, then the school-centred ITT route might be an ideal choice for you. 

SCITT programmes offer hands-on training from the first day, mentorship from experienced teachers, and the opportunity to become a qualified teacher within just 10 months. 

Trainees following the SCITT route experience very honest, hands-on and fast-paced skills and knowledge acquisition in a short amount of time. It may sound scary, but every new adventure is scary, but that’s how we grow. The SCITT route is designed to offer comprehensive support, ensuring you’re never alone on this exciting journey.

Funding & Support

SCITT programmes in the primary phase are typically self-funded through a student loan via Student Finance England. However, your personal circumstances may mean you qualify for additional funding, such as bursaries or scholarships. It’s worth exploring the Get Into Teaching website for the latest funding information. 

Recently apprenticeship routes have been in the spotlight, however in the North East of England, there are no apprenticeships at present. If now is your time to engage in a new future or kickstart a dream, maybe this blog will help you realise the new you.

A 10-month Journey to QTS- What Does the SCITT Year Entail?

The SCITT programme is designed to give you a thorough, hands-on teaching experience. Over 10 months (September to July), you’ll complete three placements: two in your host school (AP1 and AP3) and one in a different school (AP2) to broaden your experience. Weekly university study days provide valuable theoretical insights into teaching methods, behaviour management and curriculum planning.

Personal Thoughts from A Mentor 

As an experienced lead mentor for WISE ITT, a class-based mentor and a long time ago – a trainee and then ECT – having experienced the classroom as both a trainee and mentor, I understand its challenges and rewards. 

Of course, there will be challenges – those days when everything seems to go wrong. We’ve all had them! But they are often the moments when we learn the most, with support from those around us. What I remember from those times is the strength I found from those who supported me. I speak with confidence and knowledge on this subject because I have been on both sides of those situations. 


If this blog has sparked your imagination and you think teaching could be your next step, we’d love to hear from you. 

At WISE ITT, we provide a supportive, immersive programme that prepares aspiring teachers with the skills, confidence and experience to thrive in the classroom. 

Why wait? Contact us today and start your teaching journey! Or find us at, look out for WISE ITT Primary (5-11) (28P6).

By Carol Stephenson WISE ITT Lead Mentor & Trust Lead