On Wednesday 4th September 2024 Adderlane Academy held the official opening of its newly remodelled building.  Those attending included Trustees of WISE Academies, local governors of Adderlane Academy, parents, staff and the local community.   This marked the successful completion of a major building project at the academy which has been ongoing for over a year.

The primary objective of this scheme was to replace life-expired demountable classroom units and incorporate new high quality classrooms into an improved layout of the available interior space.  The chosen design improves pupil flow, access to toilets and increases the provision of small group teaching/interventions space, whilst maximising circulation space in the building.  Alongside this the opportunity was taken to address accessibility for children, staff and visitors to the site including the installation of disabled toilet facilities and improvements to the layout of the building, which is now all under one roof.  The school entrance / reception area has also been significantly enhanced improving aesthetics, provide a welcoming environment and a suitable waiting area for visitors.   In addition we have extended the car parking facilities.

WISE Academies is delighted that the scheme has achieved all of these elements so successfully. 

At the official opening celebration there were speeches from Margaret Stephenson (Chair of WISE Academies Trust Board), Pam Kidd (Chair of Adderlane Local Governors) and Zoe Carr O.B.E. (CEO of WISE Academies).  Emma Potts (Headteacher) was then proud to lead a tour of the impressive new accommodation. 

Adderlane Academy has been part of WISE Academies since December 2016.  Adderlane was the first school that joined WISE Academies in the Northumberland area.

Since 2016 Adderlane Academy has gone from strength to strength.   It was inspected by Ofsted for the first time as an academy in late 2019 and was judged to be a good school.  This is a reflection of the quality of leadership from a talented Headteacher, hard work by the Adderlane team and through the benefits of being part of a well-established and high performing Multi Academy Trust like WISE Academies.

This project has been fully funded from WISE Academies’ capital resources and well over £1 million has been spent to remodel the academy building.  This investment demonstrates WISE Academies’ commitment to Adderlane Academy to make it even more attractive to local parents and ensure a high quality learning environment befitting a good school.  This investment will ensure future sustainability of the provision and most importantly provide a high quality educational experience for the children.