Hasting Hill Academy received a short inspection in June 2018 to see if it continued to provide a good standard of education for pupils. Inspectors confirmed that it was ‘Good’ in all areas. Hasting Hill joined WISE Academies after it had been judged inadequate by Ofsted in 2011. It quickly improved and was judged ‘Good’ in 2014 and once again in 2018 Ofsted have confirmed that it remains a good school.
Ofsted noted that: “Pupils’ personal development, well-being and safety are real strengths of the school. Pupils’ enjoyment in their learning is obvious. They display exemplary attitudes in lessons, have a huge desire to succeed and work diligently simply because they are motivated to do their best.Children are happy, independent and curious.The leadership team has had significant success in overseeing curriculum planning and teaching in English, science and mathematics.”